This course examines social theories of food, eating, etiquette and nutrition. It is divided into five broad components. The first examines relationships between scientific and folk concepts of nutrition. The second analyses theories of food preparation and meal structure in various international cultures. The third investigates how food and eating is governed by explicit and implicit rules of etiquette. The fourth part of the course investigates the role of public dining and the media in promoting particular images of food consumption. Finally, there will be a brief examination of the implication of current trends in food consumption for public health.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Identify and explain key concepts in the history, philosophy and sociology of food and eating.
CILO-2: Describe the analytic potential of models of food provision by identifying existing and emerging patterns of international convergence in consumption.
CILO-3: Identify the role of both explicit and implicit rules of etiquette and the roles of various media in constraining and enabling consumption.
CILO-4: Identify and explain instances of the increasing interconnectivity of food systems.