Course Description
This is a one-semester Academic English course for students with an intermediate English language level. Students have three class hours every week. The course requires students to apply the skills they have learned in previous University English or Academic English course(s). Additionally, students will learn to use introductory academic speaking skills. These skills include: logical persuasion, information sharing, meeting facilitation, impromptu speaking, and responding to questions. Students are expected to analyze sample academic speeches/presentations for discipline-specific academic features in preparation for advanced academic speaking. Depending on students’ disciplines, they will be introduced to different genres in academic speaking (e.g. oral reports, persuasive/informative speeches, poster presentations, discussions, and oral reflections, etc.).
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Understand and replicate general features of academic speaking in their discipline.
CILO-2: Demonstrate an understanding of the rhetorical situation in their speaking.
CILO-3: Speak cohesively and at appropriate rates for various speaking tasks.
CILO-4: Integrate secondary research into their speaking.
CILO-5: Employ appropriate paralinguistic strategies in their speaking.
CILO-6: Develop metacognitive awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of their own speaking.