Course Description
The course aims to equip participants with knowledge of primary English language teaching curriculum and strategies to help primary students develop the skills necessary for effective reading and writing. It examines the important issues related to planning, delivering and evaluating English language instruction, explores recent developments in teaching reading and writing skills, and discusses pedagogical implications for the Macau context. Course participants will be helped to make connections between theory and practice and between international literature and local practice. They will be encouraged to engage in critical reflection, challenge accepted principles, and critique their own practice. (New from Prof Yu)
The course aims to enhance students’ knowledge of teaching English to primary ESL/EFL students. It consists of lectures, workshops and microteaching, which help students master the basic techniques in the teaching of the four language skills---listening, speaking, readin
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Students will be able to identify the major aspects of English language teaching curriculum for Macau primary students of diverse needs, and demonstrate competencies of developing school-based teaching plans, materials and assessment criteria for classroom learning. Students will be also able to examine and critically reflect on their own reading and writing instruction with reference to recent developments in second language reading and writing, and acquire skills and techniques for planning, teaching and assessing reading and writing.