Course Description
This course is organized into 3 parts, covering consumer and producer theories (Part I), market equilibrium and welfare (Part II) and selected topics in applied game theory (including part of behavioural economics) and its applications in the economics of information and incentives (Part III).
Prerequisite(s): None
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Identify key points in core microeconomic models and concepts, such as dynamic models of consumer and firm behavior, game theory, general equilibrium theory, mechanism design, etc.
CILO-2: Assess alternative microeconomic perspectives and theories critically. This includes evaluating assumptions and implications of models, empirical evidence on micro relationships, and debates around microeconomic policy.
CILO-3: Analyze model behavior, derive comparative statistical results, and evaluate the empirical relevance of models with complex microeconomic models and tools.
CILO-4: Apply modern game theory and information theory in economic analysis.