Course Description
This course aims to provide students with some basic understandings about the role of government and the reasons of government interventions in the economy. How households respond to the government interventions will also be discussed.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Apply formal economic analysis to identify the role of government in addressing economic problems, such as externalities and public goods, and the implications of public sector expenditures and taxation on economic welfare.
CILO-2: Critically evaluate the effectiveness of various government policies and programs, including social security, in achieving their intended objectives and addressing market failures.
CILO-3: Analyze the political process and public choice models to examine how government decisions are made and the potential implications of political factors on economic outcomes.
CILO-4: Identify and discuss the role of government in promoting economic growth and improving societal welfare, taking into account the trade-offs and challenges associated with different policy options.