Course Description
A continuation of Intermediate Microeconomics I. The course analyzes different models of oligopolistic market and factor market equilibrium. Other topics discussed include welfare economics, general equilibrium analysis, externalities, public goods, intertemporal choice, uncertainty, imperfect information.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Analyze pricing strategies and market outcomes under different forms of imperfect competition, using game theory as a tool.
CILO-2: Evaluate the effects of asymmetric information on market efficiency and welfare, and identify ways to mitigate its negative impact through mechanisms such as signaling and screening.
CILO-3: Apply economic principles to explain the determination of wages and the supply of labor in input markets, taking into account factors such as human capital and labor market institutions.
CILO-4: Assess the causes and consequences of externalities and public goods, and suggest policies that can internalize external costs and promote the provision of public goods.