Course Description
This course has two main areas of focus. Firstly it will concentrate on the techniques of writing associated with or required by the various disciplines within the wider field of communication (including media studies and cultural studies): this will include writing for specific genres (thesis writing, writing a journal article, writing a literature review). Secondly it will deal with contextual issues, both general and specific to the field of communication, which inform academic writing: this will include editing, proofing, referencing and ethical issues and requirements.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Identify the key points of rationale behind traditional Anglophone academic referencing conventions.
CILO-2: Discuss how to write accurate APA style in-text citations and reference lists in an appropriate referencing system, and incorporate principle of clarity, style, and brevity in academic writing.
CILO-3: Discuss how to present findings and make arguments in a suitably structured and sequenced manner that conforms to protocols of academic presentation and practice in communication research.
CILO-4: Summarize the academic requirements for writing an abstract, a methods/methodology section, a literature review and a research proposal in preparation for writing an academic paper or report.