Course Description
This course introduces students to analytical methods informed by critical communication and cultural studies, and exposes them to major research approaches in the field. It primarily draws on but not exclusive to Marxism, Critical Theory, British Cultural Studies and other intellectual traditions, theoretical frameworks, and analytical concerns. It teaches students to analyze a variety of communicative and cultural practices in Macao and international media contexts.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Recognize main concepts, theoretical debates and themes about culture and critical communication.
CILO-2: Provide a basic analysis to illustrate social functions and cultural values of different mediums, and explore how those mediums mediate power in the process of communication.
CILO-3: Demonstrate how meaning is constructed and produced in communication, and examine various ways power is embedded in representation and the implications that holds for culture.
CILO-4: Describe how identity is central to communication study, and analyze the role of power and culture in the formation of identity.
CILO-5: Identify why context is so important to communication, and deal with the ways in which context of culture produced or constrains communication practices.