Course Description
This course covers the following topics: Introduction to Macao codes for loadings (including vertical loads, wind loads, and seismic loads) on structures and the reinforced concrete structural design; behavior and design of flat slabs and stair slabs; behavior and design of structural walls, foundations and earth retaining structures; prestressed concrete.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Apply the basic requirements of Macao codes for loadings on structures and the reinforced concrete structural design. [POs: a,c,e]
CILO-2: Analyze and design reinforced concrete walls, flat slabs, stair slabs, foundations and earth retaining structures. [POs: a,c,e]
CILO-3: Apply the basic theory of prestressed concrete to structural design. [POs: a,c,e]
CILO-4: Use techniques and computer software in the analysis of reinforced concrete structural systems. [POs: a,l]
CILO-5: Apply the principles, procedures and current code requirements (i.e. Macao codes, and Eurocodes) to the analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures through a design project. [POs: a,c,e]
CILO-6: Work in groups in the solution of design problems, and adequately present technical information in written form through project reports. [POs: d,g]