Course Description
This course is organized with the following topics: water quality control in rivers; water and wastewater treatments: physical, chemical, and biological processes; design principles for water and wastewater treatment facilities; water treatment processes and unit operations including coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation and flotation, filtration and clarification; reactor principles and wastewater treatments including biochemical treatments, secondary sedimentation operation, activated sludge treatment process, bio-film treatment process.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Describe the design philosophy of water and wastewater treatment processes. [POs: a, e, and k]
CILO-2: Mathematically describe treatment parameters involved in drinking water treatment and municipal wastewater treatment processes such as yield coefficients, bod decay constant, aeration rate constant, etc. [POs: a,b,e,k]
CILO-3: Apply the principles, procedures, and current code requirements to the analysis and design of water and wastewater treatment engineering systems. [POs: a,b,e,i,k]
CILO-4: Apply pilot study techniques and laboratory analytical methods to analyze changes of water qualities of raw water and wastewater and to estimate efficiencies of the designed treatment engineering systems. [POs: a,b,e,k]