Course Description
This course aims to enable students to understand the economic development process of the Asia-Pacific region. It entails to develop students’ interest and knowledge on regional economic issues. It is expected to enhance students’ independent learning ability in mastering the future regional development trend, as well as to relate the knowledge and learning to the regional business environment.
Applying fundamental economic theories, it focuses on comparing economies in the region from various dimensions, including basic economic strengths and weaknesses, growth dynamics, trade and investment patterns, financial system development, as well as economic cooperation initiatives.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: After completing this course, students are expected to be able to apply related economic principles to gain insights of various dimensions of the economic development in Asia Pacific, including he economic strengths and weaknesses, changing dynamics in economic growth and development, factors ensuring and hindering sustainable growth, trade and investment patterns, financial system development, as well as progress and prospects in regional economic cooperation, etc.