Course Description
This course is intended to equip students with brief introduction of semiconductor physics and condensed matter physics. Theory of the interaction between light and matter. Optical gain, light transmission and absorption in media. Applications of light emission device and photo-electric transfer device. Principle and structure of selected photoelectric devices. With special focus on semiconductor-based light emitting devices: LEDs and lasers. The electrical and optical properties of these devices will be addressed with special focus on the optimization of their efficiency and luminosity. To do that, the course will include the analysis of nanostructures such as quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots, with their fundamental properties, up to applications.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Students will be able to comprehensively describe the fundamentals, principles, applications, limits, and relationships of all topics covered by this course.
CILO-2: Students will have the ability to apply/implement concepts and principles introduced in the lectures on practical tasks and on industrial study cases.
CILO-3: Students will have the ability to suggest/find solutions to solve these problems in optoelectronics.
CILO-4: Students will be able to explain how light emitting semiconductor devices work.
CILO-5: Students will be able to compare the characteristics and features of LEDs and lasers based on different semiconductor materials and different architectures.
CILO-6: Students will be able to describe the state of the art light emitting devices and the ongoing research for improved properties or specific applications.