This is an introduction to audiovisual translation (AVT). It is concerned with the nature, characteristics, and translation principles and approaches pertaining to this particular type of translation in the service of dubbing as well as subtitling. Emphasis will be placed on seeking optimum effect through applying AVT-specific translation strategies and techniques in overcoming problems that stem from the conflict between the medium constraints and translatability of culture-bound elements in the context of required immediate comprehensibility of the translation consumer.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Describe the differences in the nature, stylistic features and translation process for AVT as opposed to those of a text-to-text translation activity.
CILO-2: Describe with the features of subtitling and dubbing.
CILO-3: Acquire an AVT-informed critical vision to evaluate the quality of film/TV translation and transcreation, especially problem-solving techniques in this form of cross-cultural communication.
CILO-4: Acquire practical skills in AVT.
CILO-5: Identify potential research topics in ATV in a global context and write translation reports on these topics.