Course Description
For the English-Chinese Specialization, the course will explore the cultural, literary, and linguistic exchanges that have taken place between East and West as a result of translation. We will examine the effects of translation on the formation of new cultural identities, and explore how translation has helped to break down cultural barriers and create a new understanding of the world. Students are introduced to the critical treatment of selected translated texts, which requires in-depth and sophisticated analysis of the texts. This activity encourages students to think critically and to develop an understanding of the nature of translation that goes beyond the literal meaning. Students need to develop an understanding of how the translator has used their language to convey meaning and to convey the cultural context of the original text. In particular, students need to evaluate the translator’s choices in terms of accuracy and acceptability in cultural terms. General problems in cultural representation will be discussed with particular reference to the systematically used cultural stereotypes such as 'the Orient' and 'the Occident'. For Portuguese-Chinese and Portuguese-English Specializations, the course aims to alert students to the issues that arise in the translation process, both from a cultural, theoretical and practical point of view.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Students can describe essential theoretical concepts and main approaches to examine cultural issues in relation to translation.
CILO-2: Students in English-Chinese Specialization can develop a critical perspective on issues surrounding the East-West divide and relate them to translation across cultures; Students in Portuguese-Chinese and Portuguese-English Specializations can describe the relationship between translation and culture.
CILO-3: Draw on relevant theoretical concepts and research methods to investigate specific translation problems, with special emphasis on cultural interplay, identity, untranslatability and other related aspects of translation.
CILO-4: Students in English-Chinese Specialization can assess the effectiveness of the text in conveying the original cultural context. Through this critical analysis, students should be able to develop an understanding of the nature of translation and the challenges faced by translators.