This is the second course in Auditing. The course covers knowledge and intellectual skills including: 1) the appropriate audit procedures for different audit cycles, 2) internal control structures and test of transactions, 3) tests of details of balances for each cycle, 4) audit of subsequent events and post balance sheet transactions, and 5) finalize audit reports for management review. International auditing standards and business cases are demonstrated throughout the course to enable students to acquire the specific knowledge and skills being developed in the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes
CILO-1: Assess, develop and synthesize an overall audit plan.
CILO-2: Demonstrate the application of test of controls and substantive tests of transactions.
CILO-3: Assess and perform audits for different audit cycles.
CILO-4: Describe and synthesise the steps for completion of an audit.
CILO-5: Formulate and defend independent judgments in the issue of an audit report.
CILO-6: Analyse, synthesize and critically assess the audit of subsequent events, contingent liability and post balance sheet transactions.
CILO-7: Demonstrate an awareness of the audit knowledge and skills in internal auditing and government auditing.